Crunchy Munchy Granola
Crunchy Munchy Granola
Start your day with this wonderfully crunchy and nutritious granola (780g). Packed with all the good stuff! Oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruit and spices. Delicious served with milk, Greek or pro-biotic yoghurt, fresh berries and WMK’s magic super-seed topping.
If jar is returned a $2.00 discount will be given towards your next order.
Nutritional Nugget: “Oats are a fantastic wholegrain that offer many health benefits”, Dr Laura Wyness . They are a great source of fibre, zinc, iron and potassium. We need at least 30g of fibre a day. Increasing our dietary fibre will help to lower cholesterol. It is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. Oats can also increase beneficial bacteria in the gut due to their pre-biotic effect. Dried apricots are rich in iron; nuts and seeds are a good protein source and unsaturated fats, B-complex vitamins A, D and E, calcium and magnesium. More specifically walnuts are a great source of Omega 3 and pumpkins seeds are high in protein, magnesium and Vitamin E.